For the Love of Judaism
Rabbi Michael Pont, Senior Rabbi at Marlboro Jewish Center, shares his weekly message of love, inspiration and Torah.
For the Love of Judaism
Next Year in the White House
Rabbi Michael Pont
Season 4
Episode 11
In was April, 2008. A small group of tired, homesick campaign staffers are quickly trying to put together a small Passover Seder. And who walks in...then-Senator Barack Obama. And thus began a meaningful journey to the first Seder ever held in the White House, by the first African American President of the United States, organized by one of those original campaign staffers, Eric Lesser.
This remarkable story is re-told in the just released children's book, Next Year in the White House by Richard Michelson and this week Rabbi Pont got to catch up with Richard and Eric for a fascinating conversation. A perfect pre-Passover listen!